Old Story

3 The Story of Peach Boy   <授業例>                          

Scene 1   ALTによるReading 
    Once upon a time, an old man and his wife lived in the mountains. They were poor but happy.
   The old man often went into the forest to cut trees. The old woman did the housework.
   One day while her husband was away in the forest, the old woman went to the river to wash clothes.
   She saw a giant peach floating by in the river. She grabbed the peach and put it on the ground by the river.
   The old woman thought it would make a wonderful surprise for her husband. She finished her washing and took the peach home.

<注> once upon a time(昔々),while(〜する間に),clothes(衣服),giant(巨大な),peach(桃),
took <take(持って行く)

Scene 2
   When the old man returned that evening, his wife showed him the giant peach. He was quite surprised.
   The peach looked delicious, so the old woman got out their largest knife to cut the peach.
   When she tried to cut it, a voice screamed, and a little boy jumped out of the peach.
   He was a cute boy, and the couple named him “Peach Boy “.

<注> return(戻る,帰る),quite (かなり,とても),got out<get out(取り出す,持ち出す),
     scream(悲鳴をあげる),couple(一組の男女,夫婦),name(名付ける),Peach Boy(桃太郎) 

Scene 3
   Peach Boy grew up very quickly. He was the strongest boy around. He easily won all of the sumo contests the children held.
   A few years later, demons from Demon Island came to the village.
   The demons stole money and other things. The people didn’t know what to do.

<注> grew up<grow up(成長する),easily(容易に,簡単に),won<win(勝つ),
     sumo contest(相撲大会),demon(鬼),Demon Island(鬼ヶ島),stole<steal(盗む) 

Scene 4
   One day, Peach Boy told the old man and woman that he would sail to Demon Island to fight the demons.
   The old couple was afraid because there were many demons, and the demons were very strong.
   However, Peach Boy was brave, and he believed he could defeat the demons.
   The old woman made Peach Boy some kibidango to take with him. Then, Peach Boy left for Demon Island.
   The old man and woman thought they would never see Peach Boy again.

<注> sail(出帆する,帆走する),fight(〜と戦う),afraid(恐れて,心配して),however(けれども),
     brave(勇敢な),defeat(負かす,打ち倒す),kibidango (きび団子)

Scene 5
   Peach Boy left the village and walked towards the sea. On the way he met a dog.
   The dog said, “Where are you going, Peach Boy?” Peach Boy answered, “I’m going to Demon Island to fight the demons.”
   “I want to go with you. Please give me one of your kibidango,” said the dog.
   So Peach Boy gave the dog a kibidango, and the two of them continued towards the sea.

<注> towards(〜の方へ,〜に向かって),on the way(途中で),two of them(彼ら2人),

Scene 6   
   Soon they met a monkey. The dog and the monkey began to fight, but Peach Boy made them stop.
   He told the monkey about going to Demon Island, and the monkey wanted to join them.
   Peach Boy gave the monkey one of the kibidango, and the three of them walked towards the sea.

<注> monkey(猿),three of them(彼ら3人)

Scene 7
   Later they met a pheasant. The pheasant began to fight with the monkey and the dog, but Peach Boy told them to stop.
   The pheasant said, “Where are you going, Peach Boy?” Peach Boy told the pheasant about going to Demon Island.
   “Please take me with you,” said the pheasant. So Peach Boy gave the pheasant a kibidango, and the four of them continued towards the sea.

<注> pheasant(キジ),four of them(彼ら4人)

Scene 8
   When they got to the sea, they could see Demon Island in the distance.
   Peach Boy and the animals built a raft to sail across the sea. They worked quickly, and the raft was soon ready.
   Then they pushed the raft into the sea and got on.

<注> in the distance(遠方に),built<build(つくる,建造する),raft(いかだ),
     ready(用意・準備ができて),push(押す),got on<get on(乗る)

Scene 9
   The raft sailed fast, and they quickly reached Demon Island. They could see the terrible demons on the beach.
   The demons were eating delicious food and drinking sake. The three animals were afraid, but Peach Boy wasn’t scared.
   “Don’t worry,” he said. “We are stronger than the demons.”

<注> reach(〜に着く・到着する),terrible(恐ろしい,怖い),sake(酒),scared(怖がって,おびえて)

Scene 10
   When the raft landed on the beach, Peach Boy and his animal friends began to fight the demons.
   The demons were very strong, and there were many of them. However,  Peach Boy and his friends were even stronger.
   Soon the leader of the demons wanted to give up. He asked Peach Boy not to fight them any more.
   Peach Boy said, “You must stop stealing things from the people, and you must give back the treasure you took from them.” The leader of the demons agreed.
   Peach Boy and his friends put the treasure on the raft and sailed home.

<注> even(さらに,なおさら),leader(リーダー),give up(あきらめる,降参する),
     any more(これ以上),give back(返す),treasure(宝物),agree(同意する,賛成する)

Scene 11
When Peach Boy and his friends returned to the village, everyone was surprised to see them.
   The people were very happy to get their treasure back and to learn that the demons would never attack them again.
   The old man and woman were proud of Peach Boy, and the three of them lived happily ever after.

<注> get 〜 back(〜を取り戻す),learn(学ぶ,知る),attack(〜を襲う,〜を攻撃する),
      were proud of 〜(〜を誇りに思った),happily(幸福に,幸せに),ever after(その後ずっと)
