English Essay by Brian Southwick

23 Working at a Restaurant
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In my essay last week I wrote about two odd-jobs I had when I was in junior high school.  In this week’s essay I will tell you about a part-time job I had in high school and college.
   When I was eighteen, one of my friends worked at a popular restaurant not far from my house.  I was interested in working at the restaurant which was called George’s, and I asked my friend to help me get a job there.  He often told me that working at the restaurant was a lot of fun.  A few weeks later I had an interview with the manager, and I was hired to start working soon.
   My first job at George’s was as a bus-boy.  I cleared the tables, washed the dishes, and took out the garbage.  I worked four days a week, from 5:00 to 10:00 at night.  I didn’t enjoy washing dishes very much, but I wanted to become a cook at the restaurant. After working for about a year as a bus-boy, I was told I could start cooking.
   There were about fifty items on the menu at George’s. We made many kinds of hamburger: cheeseburger, bacon cheeseburger, avocado cheeseburger, and so on. We also made fried fish sandwiches called poor-boys.  The poor-boy, or po-boy, is a sandwich on French bread.  We also made Louisiana food such as jambalaya, red beans and rice, and crawfish etouffee.
  The restaurant was very busy in the evenings and on weekends.  There were only two cooks on a shift, and they had to work very quickly.  The food had to be good, too.  Sometimes cooking was very stressful, but I enjoyed the work very much.  I worked at George’s for eight years, and I learned many important and useful skills.

(注)odd-job(臨時の仕事),part-time job(パートタイムの仕事),college(単科大学),interview(面接),manager(支配人,経営者),hire(雇う),bus-boy/girl(食堂給仕人の助手,皿洗い),clear(片付ける),dish(皿),took outtake out(持ち出す),item(品目),menu(メニュー),cheeseburger(チーズバーガー),bacon(ベーコン),avocado(アボガド),friedfry(油で揚げる),bread(パン),Louisiana(ルイジアナ州)such as〜(〜のような),jambalaya(ジャンバラヤ),red bean(赤インゲン豆),crawfish etouffee(ザリガニ料理,etouffeeはフランス語)Photo:RealCajunRecipes.com cook(料理人,コック),on a shift(当番で),stressful(緊張の多い),skill(技術)

Question and Answers:  Please answer the following questions in English in a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

Q1. What was the name of the restaurant where Brian worked?


Q2. When Brian started working at George’s, what did he do?


Q3. What is a sandwich on French bread called?


Q4. When was the restaurant busy?


Q5. How long did Brian work at George’s?



A1.  It was “George’s”.  ※クォーテーションマーク“ ”はなくても可

A2.  He cleared the tables, washed the dishes, and took out the garbage (as a bus-boy).

A3.  It is called “poor-boys” or “po-boy”.  ※クォーテーションマーク“ ”はなくても可

A4.  It was (very) busy in the evenings and on weekends.

A5.  He worked there for eight years.