English Essay by Brian Southwick

21 Why I Became a Teacher
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  Fall is an exciting and busy time for second and third-graders in Japanese junior high schools.  Second-graders are looking forward to their school trip and the city sports tournament next year.  Third-graders are getting ready for their high school entrance exam and interview.  Both second and third-graders are thinking about their future.  In my new essay I will tell you about my dreams when I was a junior high school student.
    When I was a junior high school student, I had many hobbies.  I was interested in cycling, golf, and tennis.  I also liked French and social studies.  But my favorite subject was English.  My English teacher was very good.  He was popular with the students, and his English classes were very interesting.  His class was difficult, but I tried hard.  Because he was a good teacher, I wanted to become a teacher, too.
   Have you ever heard of “Life-long Learning”?  This expression means we can learn new things anytime, even as we become older.  I can’t play golf or tennis now as well as I could in junior high school.  But, I can still study about interesting things.  Learning new things makes me very happy.  So, I want to be a teacher who makes learning fun for students.

second and third-graders(2・3年生),look forward to〜(〜を楽しみにして待つ),
tournament(トーナメント,試合),get ready for〜(〜の準備をする),
entrance exam(入学試験),interview(面接),hobbieshobby(趣味),
cycling(サイクリング),golf(ゴルフ),social studies(社会科),
(教科),Life-long Learning(生涯学習)expression(表現),

Question and Answers:  Please answer the following questions in English in a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

Q1. What are second-graders looking forward to now?


Q2. Are you getting ready for the high school entrance exam?


Q3. What was Brian’s favorite subject in junior high school?


Q4. Why did Brian want to become a teacher?


Q5. What does “Life-long Learning” mean?



A1. They are looking forward to their school trip and the city sports tournament next year.

A2. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

A3. His favorite subject was English.
       = It

A4. Because his English teacher (in his junior high school) was a good teacher (, he wanted to become a teacher, too.)

A5. It means we can learn new things anytime, even as we become older.