English Essay by Brian Southwick

9 Reading Books   ネイティブスピーカー(ALT)によるREADING     

  Do you enjoy reading books? Do you have your own collection of books at home? Reading books is one of my hobbies, and in this essay I will tell you why.
  When I was a child, my parents had a strict rule for me and my younger sister: we could watch only one hour of TV every week. We didn’t have any video games, either. So, I often played sports and games with my friends. After school and on the weekends I played football, basketball, bicycle hide-and-seek, and many others. I read many books, too. At first I liked mystery stories the best. I read Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, and so on. Later, I also read classic novels and books about history.
  Reading is like taking a trip. We can visit wonderful places and meet interesting people. We can use our imagination to travel into the past, or into the future. We can learn many new things about the world. And we don’t need a ticket or a passport, just a good book. I have many good books. I started collecting them twenty years ago, and now I have about one thousand.
  In summer I like to read books in a cool and quiet place. My favorite is the Basho Memorial, next to Gokoku Shrine. There are many benches to sit on, and the trees above are like a roof, keeping out the hot sunlight. When I am there, I can relax with my book and enjoy reading for a long time

collection(収集物),strict(厳しい),rule(ルール,きまり), not〜either(〜も〜ない),video game(テレビゲーム),weekend(週末), hide-and-seek(かくれんぼ),at first(最初は),mystery story(推理小説), Sherlock Holmes(シャーロック・ホームズ,イギリスの小説家アーサー・コナン・ドイルが19世紀から20世紀にかけて発表した推理小説の主人公。), Agatha Christie(アガサ・クリスティ,19世紀から20世紀にかけて活躍したイギリスの推理小説家),classic novel(古典文学),take a trip(旅行する), imagination(想像力),travel(旅行する),past(過去),collect(集める), Basho Memorial(芭蕉堂),Gokoku Shrine(護国神社),bench(ベンチ), above(上方の),keep out(遮る),sunlight(日光),relax(くつろぐ)
Basho Memorial(芭蕉堂) 

Questions and Answers: Please answer in a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

Q1. How long could Brian watch TV every week when he was a child?


Q2. What can we learn when we read?


Q3. When did Brian start collecting books?


Q4. Where does Brian like to read in summer?


Q5. What kind of books do you like the best?


A1. He could watch (TV for) only one hour.

A2. We can learn many new things about the world.

A3. He started collecting them twenty years ago.
           = it
A4. He likes to read (books) in a cool and quiet place.
   (His favorite is the Basho Memorial, next to Gokoku Shrine.)

A5. I like mystery stories the best.
       = science fiction / books (written) by Jiro Akagawa  等
