English Essay by Brian Southwick
33 Meeting an Old Friend
(slow) (fast)@

@@My telephone rang one evening during the winter vacation.  I answered the call, and I was surprised to hear the voice of one of my old neighbors.  He said, gBrianCthis is Takuya.  I am home visiting my parents for the holidays.  Would you like to have lunch together?h  I was very happy to hear from him, and I wanted to know about his college life, so we made plans to meet for lunch a few days later.
    I met Takuya for the first time when he was a third grader at a private high school in Niigata City.  He was busy studying for the college entrance exam, and I was impressed with his hard work, especially in English.  Takuya wanted to go to a college outside of Niigata, and he was very happy to enter a university in Yokohama. 
    Takuya was always interested in law, and when he was in high school, his dream was to become a lawyer.  When he entered college, he chose to study law.  Takuya is now a third-grade college student, and he knows many things about law.  Also, his English is much better than it was three years ago, and during lunch we didnft use any Japanese.  He told me that he improves his ability by listening to English conversation programs on the radio and by watching American movies.  He reads English language newspapers on the Internet, too.
     Next year is Takuyafs last year at college, and he must study hard to enter a good law school.  Because he can speak English so well, Takuya wants to work in the United States after he finishes law school.  Takuyafs strong study habits and high English ability give him the chance to reach his goals.  I think my friendfs dreams will come true.

third graderi‚R”NΆjCprivate high schooliŽ„—§ŠwZjCentrance exami“όŠwŽŽŒ±jCenteri`‚Ι“ό‚ιjC
radioiƒ‰ƒWƒIjCgoali–Ϊ•WjCcome trueiŽΐŒ»‚·‚ιj

Question and Answers:  Please answer the following questions
in English in a complete sentence, with a subject and@a verb.

Q1. Who called Brian during the winter vacation?


Q2. When did Brian meet Takuya for the first time?


Q3. What does Takuya study at college?


Q4. How does Takuya improve his English ability?


Q5. Does Brian think Takuyafs dreams will come true?



A1. Takuya did.

A2. He met him (for the first time) when he was a third grader at a private high school
@@in Niigata City.

A3. He studies law.

A4. He improves his ability by listening to English conversation programs on the radio and
@@@@@@@@@@@@@= it
@@by watching American movies. He reads English language newspapers on the Internet, too.

A5. Yes, he does.