English Essay by Brian Southwick
19 The Kanai Cultural Asset Museum  

  Have you ever seen this building? It is called the Kanai Cultural Asset Museum, and it is in Nishi Ohata, next to the Museum of Northern Culture. It was built in a western style during the Meiji era, in 1897.  Mr. Kanai was a photographer who was interested in Niigata’s rivers.  He took many interesting pictures of the Shinano and Agano rivers. We can’t go inside the house today, but we can look at some of his photos on the Internet.
    Before the Kanai Museum was built, the hospital of Dr. T. A. Palm was on the same street corner in Nishi Ohata. Mr. Palm was a doctor and Christian teacher. He was from Scotland, but he was born in India. His father was a Christian teacher there. Dr. Palm came to Niigata in 1875 and lived here for eleven years. After Dr. Palm closed his hospital and left Niigata, there was a school for girls. Then, about ten years later, the Kanai Museum was built.
    In our city there are many old buildings that can tell us about Niigata’s history.  If you see something interesting, why don’t you try to find out its history?  Your teachers at school can help you. The Internet can also help you learn about life in Niigata a long time ago.    

he Kanai Cultural Asset Museum(金井文化財館),
Nishi Ohata(西大畑),next to〜(〜の隣に),
the Museum of Northern Culture(北方文化博物館【新潟分館】),
builtbuild(〜を建てる),western style(西欧様式),
the Meiji era(明治時代),photographer写真師),
the Shinano and Agano rivers(信濃川と阿賀野川),
photophotograph(写真),Dr. T. A. PalmTA・ポーム医師),
(インド),a long time ago(ずっと前の)

Questions and Answers: Please answer the following questions in English in a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

Q1. Where is the Kanai Cultural Asset Museum?


Q2. When was the museum built?


Q3. What was Mr. Kanai interested in?


Q4. Who was Mr. Palm?


Q5. How long did Dr. Palm live in Niigata?




A1. It is in Nishi Ohata(, next to the Museum of Northern Culture).

A2. It was built (during the Meiji era,) in 1897.

A3. He was interested in Niigata’s rivers.

A4. He was a doctor and Christian teacher.

A5. He lived in Niigata for eleven years.
             = here
