English Essay by Brian Southwick
22 Jobs in Junior High school
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  Hello again, everyone.  It is now the middle of October.  The leaves are falling from the trees, and the days are getting much shorter.  It is already dark when I leave school in the evenings. 
  In an essay last month I told you that fall was my favorite season.  I like fall colors, and I enjoy the cool weather.  But fall sometimes makes me a little sad.  I often think about the past and the many changes in my life.  One thing I remember very clearly is the odd-jobs I had as a junior-high and high-school student.
 In my essay this week I will tell you about two of them.

   The first odd-job I had in junior high school was baby-sitting.  Parents in my neighborhood sometimes asked me to baby-sit for them on a Friday or Saturday night.  I went to their house, and I played games or watched television with the children.  Before going to bed, the children had to take a bath and brush their teeth.  After they went to bed, I usually read a book until the parents returned.  I didn’t make much money, only about ten dollars for one evening, but baby-sitting was a very easy job to do.
   Another job I had was mowing lawns.  When I was fifteen years old, I could drive a car.  On Saturdays and Sundays I put my family’s lawn mower in the back of the car, and I went to people’s houses to cut their yards. Mowing lawns wasn’t easy, and in summer it was very hot.  I could make a lot of money, though, about fifteen dollars for a small yard and twenty dollars for a larger one.  I had other odd-jobs in junior-high and high-school, and I learned many useful and important skills.

baby-sitting(両親が留守の間雇われて留守番子守をすること), neighborhood(近所),
television=TV(テレビ),take a bath(風呂に入る),
brush their teeth(歯を磨く),
return(戻る),make money(お金を稼ぐ),
mowing lawns(芝を刈ること),
lawn mower

Question and Answers:  Please answer the following questions in English in a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

Q1. How does fall sometimes make Brian feel?


Q2. What was Brian’s first odd-job?


Q3. Did Brian make much money by baby-sitting?


Q4. When could Brian drive a car?


Q5. Have you ever made money by doing odd-jobs?



A1. It (sometimes) makes him (feel) a little sad.

A2. It was baby-sitting.

A3. No, he didn’t.

A4. When he was fifteen years old (, he could drive a car).

A5. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.