English Essay by Brian Southwick

12 Housework  ネイティブスピーカー(ALT)によるREADING     

  Hello again, everyone.  I hope you enjoyed Sunil Kapoor’s interesting self-introduction last week.  Sunil will be writing another essay soon, this time about the FIFA World Cup.  In my essay this week I want to tell you about housework.
    When I was in junior high school, I had to help my parents with the housework.  Every day I had a small job to do.  Some days I had to set the table before dinner.  On other days my job was washing the dishes after dinner.  During the summer I had to mow the lawn every week.  In the fall I had to help my father rake the leaves.
  Often I didn’t want to do my chores.  When I got home from school, I was usually tired, and I wanted to enjoy free time.  Louisiana summers are very warm, and mowing the lawn made me hot and sweaty.  I disliked mowing the lawn the most of all my chores.  But if I worked quickly, I could finish my housework and still have much free time to play with my friends.

    I know you are busy at school and tired when you get home.  Most nights you have homework to do.  Some of you go to a cram school in the evenings, too.  But if you help with the housework, you will make your family happy.  Knowing this will make you happy, too.


(注) self-introduction(自己紹介),FIFA World Cup(ワールドカップ)
    mow the lawn(芝を刈る),rake(かき集める),chores(雑用)
     sweaty(汗の出る),cram school(塾)


Questions and Answers: Please answer in a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

Q1. What did Brian have to help his parents with in junior high school?


Q2. Did Brian always want to help with the housework?


Q3. When did Brian have to rake the leaves?


Q4. Why did Brian not enjoy mowing the lawn?


Q5. What do you do to help your family?



A1. He had to set the table before dinner, wash the dishes after dinner,
  mow the lawn (every week during the summer), rake the leaves (in the fall).

A2. No, he didn’t.

A3. He had to rake the leaves in the fall.

A4. Because mowing the lawn made him hot and sweaty.
            = it

A5. I clean the bathroom (every day).
   I throw the garbage three times a week.   など英文として意味が通れば可。