English Essay by Brian Southwick
29 A Message to seniors READING (slow) (fast) 

  The end of the year is a busy and exciting time for third graders in Japanese junior high and high schools.  Students choose the high school or university they want to attend, and they study hard for the entrance exam, held in January or March.  For seniors in American high schools, the end of the year is an important time, too.  Students select the university they hope to enter, and they prepare for the “center test” , or SAT.  I remember my senior year of high school very well.  In today’s essay, I will tell you about some of my experiences in the fall and winter of 1987.
    I began thinking about choosing a university just after the start of my final year of high school.  In September of that year, I made a list of the schools that interested me.  All of them were small, and most of them were far from home.  I showed the list to my parents, and we talked about my choices.  In October and November, my parents and I visited some of the schools.  We met university teachers and students, and we toured college campuses.  I was impressed by the beautiful buildings and the university libraries, with their many thousands of books.  It was difficult for me to decide which school I liked best.  In the end, I applied to all of them. 
  My parents and I nervously waited for the mailman to bring my SAT scores, as well as letters from the universities. When the results came, I was very pleased. However, making a choice was difficult. Finally, I decided to attend Louisiana State University, a university in my hometown. I am glad I made this decision because I had many excellent teachers, and I met many interesting students from around the world. I wish you the best this winter as you prepare to make important decisions about your future.

<注>third grader(3年生),university(総合大学),attend(参加・出席する,通う),entrance exam(入学試験),
senior(年長者,上級生の),select(選ぶ),enter(入る),prepare(準備・用意する),center test(センター試験),
many thousands of〜(何千もの〜),in the end(結局,ついに),apply to〜
A as well as B
(Bと同様にAも),result(結果),was pleased(喜んだ),makingmake a choice(選ぶ),
finally(ついに,とうとう),Louisiana State University(ルイジアナ州立大学),hometown(故郷),
mademake decision(決定する),excellent(素晴らしい),future(将来,未来)

Question and Answers:  Please answer the following questions
in English in a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

Q1: Why is the end of the year a busy time for third graders?


Q2. What is the SAT?


Q3. When did Brian begin thinking about choosing a university?


Q4. Where did Brian and his parents go in the fall of 1987?


Q5. Did Brian attend a university far from home?



A1. Because students choose the high school or university they want to attend, and
   they study hard for the entrance exam (, held in January or March).

A2. It is the “center” test in the USA.

A3. He began thinking about choosing a university just after the start of his final year
   of high school.                = it

A4. They went to some of the schools.


A5. No, he didn’t.