English Essay: by Sunil Kapoor

11 About Me  ネイティブスピーカー(ALT)によるREADING     

  Hello. My name is Sunil Kapoor. I’m thirty-one years old, and I’m the ALT English teacher at Kurosaki Junior High School. I will teach at Kobari Junior High School from September to November. Then, from November to March I will teach at two schools: Sonoki and Oeyama Junior High Schools. It’s my sixth year of teaching English in Niigata City, and I enjoy my life here in Niigata very much.
  My hometown is Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Houston is the fourth-largest city in America. Its population is about three times the size of Niigata City. Houston is famous for NASA and the Johnson Space Center. This is the headquarters for the American space industry. It’s a great place to visit, and it’s not far from one of Niigata’s sister cities, Galveston, Texas.
  Houston is a very busy, international city with a large port, just like Niigata City. There are many oil companies in Houston, so the city is a home for American energy. In Houston the summer is very long and hot, and the winter is usually cool and dry, with no snow. A direct flight from Tokyo’s Narita airport to Houston takes about thirteen hours.

  Huston, Texas (by Wikipedia)          Galveston,Texas (by Wikipedia)

the fourth-largest city(4番目に大きい都市),population(人口), three times(3倍),
size(大きさ),NASA(米国航空宇宙局), the Johnson Space Center(ジョンソン宇宙センター),
headquarters(本部), industry(産業),sister city(姉妹都市),Galveston(ガルベストン),
international(国際的な),port(港),just like〜(ちょうど〜のように),oil company(石油会社),
energy(エネルギー),dry(乾燥した), direct flight(飛行機の直行便),Narita airport(成田空港)

Questions and Answers: Please answer in a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

Q1. Where is Sunil from?


Q2. Is it Sunil’s first year of teaching English in Niigata City?


Q3. Where will Sunil teach from November to March?


Q4. Why is Houston like Niigata City?


Q5. Which of Niigata’s sister cities is not far from Houston?



A1. He is from Houston(, Texas, U.S.A.)

A2. Ho, it isn’t. (It’s his sixth year.)

A3. He will teach at (two schools:) Sonoki and Oeyama Junior High Schools.

A4. Because it is a very busy, international city with a large port, (just like Niigata City).
   または  Because it has a large port, (just like Niigata City).

A5. Galveston(, Texas) is.
