English Essay by Brian Southwick, Niigata City ALT

53 A Trip to Galveston, USA: Part 3 READING (slow) (fast)

  It took about two hours from the airport in Houston to Galveston by bus. Our new friend from Galveston rode on the bus with us, and she gave us something to drink and some Halloween candy to eat. The students enjoyed looking out of the window and taking pictures of the interesting things they saw. One of the students wrote “We are from Japan” on a small whiteboard and showed the message to people who passed us. Some of the people waved to the students.
  There was a Halloween party for us when we got to Galveston. One family made a haunted house in their home, and the students were quite impressed. We were joined at the party by the host families, and after the party the students went to their new homes.
  The next morning I went to all of the schools visited by Niigata students. I was surprised to see that everyone at the schools wore ID cards around their neck. At elementary and junior high school the students had simple uniforms, and the Niigata students were given their own uniform to wear. At high school the students did not have to wear a uniform.
                   READING (slow) (fast)

  Many interesting activities and events were planned by the host families and volunteers in the city. For example, we had a pizza party at an Italian restaurant, a tour of an old ship, a visit to the city aquarium and gardens, and a barbecue party. It was rainy on the first two days of our trip, so we couldn’t spend time outside. But after the weather became sunny and warm, we could enjoy the beauty of Galveston.
  The days passed quickly, and soon it was time to say goodbye to our new friends. Early in the morning on Saturday, November 6, all of us met in the parking area of a shopping center. The host families and students said goodbye to each other, and we thanked everyone for being so nice to us. Then we got on a bus for the Houston airport to start our long journey back to Japan.

airport(空港), rode<ride (乗る), Halloween candy(ハロウィーンのキャンディ)
whiteboard(ホワイトボード),passed<pass(すれ違う), waved<wave(手を振る)
haunted house(お化け屋敷), wore<wear(身に付ける),ID cards(身分証明書),neck(首)
uniforms<uniform(制服), activities<activity(活動),events<event(行事)
tour(見学,ツアー), ship(船), aquarium(水族館), gardens<garden(庭園)
barbecue party(バーベキュー・パーティ), outside(外で), beauty(美しさ)
shopping center(ショッピング・センター), each other(お互い), journey(旅)

Question and Answers: Please answer the following questions
in English in a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

Q1.What did one of the students write on a small whiteboard?

Q2.Who met the students at the Halloween party?

Q3. How was the weather in Galveston during the first two days of the trip?

Q4. When did the group leave Galveston to return to Japan?

Q5. Where did the students and host families meet on the last morning?


A1. He/She wrote “We are from Japan” there.

A2. The host families did.

A3. It was rainy.

A4. They left Galveston on Saturday, November 6.

A5. They met in the parking area of a shopping center.