
Useful English Expressions
for the School Campus

◆ Rooms and other Places:(部屋と他の場所)

  ALTによるReading 1-10

1. the main entrance/ the school entrance (正面玄関)

2. the hallway(s) (廊下)

3. the principal’s office (校長室)

4. the teachers’ room (教務室,職員室)

5. the nurse’s room (保健室)

6. the janitor’s room/office  (用務員室)

7. the school office (事務室)

8. the printing/ copy room (印刷室)

9. the library (図書室)

10. the school counselor’s room (相談室)

 ★ ALTによるReading 11-20 ★

11. the student council meeting room

12. the multipurpose room (多目的ルーム)

13. the meeting room (会議室)

14. the first/second/third/fourth floor meeting room (1/2/3/4階の会議室)

15. the broadcasting room (放送室)

16. the AV (audio-visual) room (視聴覚室)

17. the teaching materials storage room (教材室,資料室)

18. the lunchroom (ランチルーム)

19. the school kitchen (給食調理室)

20. the men’s/women’s restroom(s)  (男性用/女性用トイレ)

 ★ ALTによるReading 21-30 ★

21. the men’s changing room

22. the women’s changing room (女性用更衣室)

23. the broom closet (掃除用具入れ)

24. the trophy case (陳列ケース)

25. the parking lot (駐車場)

26. the gym (体育館)

27. the P.E. equipment room (体育用具室)

28. the playground (グランド)

29. the tennis court (テニスコート)

30. the judo/kendo gym (柔道/剣道場)

 ★ ALTによるReading 31-40 ★

31. the 3-1 classroom

32. the science lab (理科室,科学実験室)

33. the science lab storage room (理科準備室,科学実験準備室)

34. the music room (音楽室)

35. the musical equipment storage room (音楽準備室)

36. the art room (美術室)

37. the industrial arts workshop (技術室)

38. the metalworking/woodworking workshop (金工/木工室)

39. the homemaking room (家庭科室)

40. the homemaking kitchen (調理室)

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