
Teaching Plan

1  The Tanabata Festival       

 <天の川について>  ALTによるREADING 

Teacher (pointing at the stars in a photo of the night sky): Look at this
       picture. What is this? What is this? We can see many of them in
       this picture.

Students: “星.”

Teacher: That’s right. How do you say “hoshi” in English?

Students: “Star”.

Teacher: Yes, it’s “star”. Please repeat after me
(2 or 3 times), “star”.
       One star, two stars, many stars are in the sky.

(pointing to the 天の川) : Look closely. There are many stars
       here, and here, and here. It looks like a river of stars. What do
       we call this in Japanese?

Students: “

Teacher: Yes, that’s right. It’s the “
Amanogawa”. Do you know the name
      in English? It’s the “Milky Way”. The word “milky” comes from “
      milk”. The word “way” means “road”. The stars make a white
      road in the sky. So, we say “Milky Way”. Please repeat after me
(2 or 3 times), “Milky Way”. The Milky Way has many stars.

<織り姫と彦星について> ALTによるREADING

Teacher (pointing at a picture clearly showing the two stars 織り姫and彦星):
      Look at this picture. We can see two big stars. They are
      very bright. They are called “
Orihime” and Hikoboshi”. Orihime
      makes beautiful cloth.
(The teacher holds up a piece of cloth for
      the students to see.)
Hikoboshi has many cows. (The teacher
      holds up a picture of a cow, or the teacher can give the students
       hints to have them guess the meaning of “cow.”)

Hints: We get milk from cows. Cows make this sound, “moo”.

<七夕の日について> ALTによるREADING

Teacher: We have a festival for Orihime and Hikoboshi. What do we call
      the festival?

Students: “

Teacher: Yes, we call it “
Tanabata”. When is Tanabata?

Students: “

Teacher: Good. In English, “
七月” is “July”. Please repeat after me
(2 or 3 times), “July”. How do you say, “nana” or “shichi”?

Students: “Seven.”

Teacher: Yes, it’s “seven”. “
七日” is “7th” (seventh). Please repeat after
      me, “seventh”.Now, let’s say
(2 or 3 times), “Tanabata is July 7th”.

Teacher: On July 7th,
Orihime and Hikoboshi can meet each other. They
      love each other very much. So, on July 7th they are very happy.

<英語の歌> ALTによるREADING

Teacher: Okay, students. What do we do for Tanabata?

  The students can talk (in Japanese) about what they do for Tanabata.

Teacher: Now, let’s sing a song.
(The teacher shows the students five pictures.)
      a star, a planet, the Milky Way, a spaceship, the moon.
  The students practice the names several times. (The teacher has already put copies of the pictures on the ceiling and walls of the room) The students sing the song while pointing to the pictures.

Teacher and Students
(together): I see a star, I see a planet, I see the Milky
                   Way, I see a spaceship, I see the moon, hooray!

<絵カードを使った仲間作りゲーム> ALTによるREADING


   The teacher can make small copies of the pictures used in the song. The pictures can be glued to a small card, one picture on each card. In a class of 30 students, there would be 6 sets of 5 cards.
   The students practice the expression “I’m a star”
(a spaceship, the Milky Way, the moon, a planet). (After the students practice the expressions, the teacher passes out the cards, face down.) When the teacher says, “ Start”, the students try to find the other students with the same card.
   The students play janken, and the winner introduces himself first. The loser then introduces himself. If the students meet someone with the same picture-card, they search for the other group members together.


   The students mustn’t show their cards to their classmates. The teacher shouldn’t tell the students how many members each group contains