Old Story

5 The Statues with Hats Dialogue 「笠地蔵(会話編)」                           

Scene I: a room inside an old house in the mountains, in winter

Old Woman (OW): Do you know what today is?
Old Man (OM): Yes, I do. It’s December 30th. New Year’s is in two days.
OW: We need rice cakes for New Year’s. What can we do?
OM: Let’s make some hats. We can sell the hats and get money. We can buy rice cakes.
OW: Good idea!

Action: The man and woman make five sedge hats.

OW: We are finished. I’m tired.
OM: Me, too. Let’s go to bed.
OW: Good night.
OM: Good night.

Action: The man and woman get up.

OW: Good morning.
OM: Good morning. I’m going to town to sell the hats. I’ll buy rice cakes.
OW: Okay.

Action: The man puts on his hat. He puts the five hats in a bag.
     The woman gives him a small towel.

OM: Goodbye.
OW: Goodbye. Be careful in the snow.

Action: The man walks awaythrough the snow.

<注> inside(〜の中の),rice cake(餅),New Year’s (お正月),hat(縁のある帽子,笠),sedge hat(菅笠),
put on〜(〜を身に付ける),towel.(タオル),walk away(歩き去る),through(〜の中を

Scene U: a street in the town

Action: The man tries to sell hats to people walking by.

OM: Excuse me. Do you want a hat?
#1: No, thank you.
OM: Excuse me. Do you want a hat?
#2: No, thank you. I have a new one.
OM: Excuse me. I have some nice hats. Do you want a hat?
#3: No, thank you. I have no money.
OM: Oh. I am very unlucky today. I have no money for rice cakes.
I’m tired, too. I’ll go home now.

Action: The old man puts his hats in the bag and walks away.

<注> walking by(通り過ぎる),unlucky(運が悪い),go home(家に帰る)

Scene V: the road, beside seven statues of Jizo; it is snowing hard

OM: Oh, hello ojizo-san. You don’t have any hats, and you look cold.
   You can have my hats.

Action: The old man takes the five hats out of his bag.
     He puts them on the heads of five of the jizos.
     He gives his own hat to the next jizo. He stands in front of the last jizo.

OM: I’m sorry, ojizo-san. I have no more hats. But I’ll give you my towel.

Action: The man puts his towel on the jizo’s head.

OM: I hope you are warmer now. Goodbye, ojizo-san.

Action: The man walks home.

<注> beside(〜のそばの),hard(激しく),no more(もう〜ない),walk home(歩いて家に帰る)

Scene W: inside the house

OM: I’m back.
OW: Welcome home. Did you sell the hats? Did you get some rice cakes for New Year’s?
OM: No, I didn’t. I’m sorry. No one wanted a hat. So I couldn’t get any rice cakes.
OW: But where are the hats? And where are your hat and your towel?
OM: I met some ojizo-san by the road. They had no hats. They looked cold.
   So I gave them the hats and the towel. I’m sorry.
OW: Don’t be sorry. You were very kind. You did a good thing.
   We’ll have a nice New Year’s. We don’t need rice cakes.
OM: I’m very tired and hungry. Let’s have dinner and go to bed.
OW: Yes, let’s.

<注> I’m back.(ただいま。), Welcome home.(お帰りなさい。), No one〜(だれも〜しない)

Scene X: nighttime; the house, inside and outside

Action: The seven jizos come to the house. They have a big rice cake, vegetables,
     and treasure on a sleigh. They put the presents on the ground by the door.
     The jizos try to be quiet, but they make a loud noise.

Action: The old man and woman wake up.

OM: Did you hear that noise?
OW: Yes. What was it?
OM: Let’s go see.

Action: The old man and woman go to the door. The man opens it and looks outside.

OM: Look at that!
OW: Wow! A huge rice cake! And vegetables and treasure, too!
   Oh, these are wonderful presents for New Year’s! Who brought them?
OM: Look over there.
(The man points with his hand.)
   Those are the ojizo-san I helped yesterday. They brought us the presents.
OW: They came to thank you.
OM and OW: Thank you, ojizo-san! Have a happy New Year!

Action: The old man and woman wave to the jizos.
     Then they take the presents into the house.

           The End

<注> nighttime(夜間),outside(外側),vegetable(野菜),treasure(宝物),sleigh(そり),noise(音),
wake up(目がさめる),go see(見に行く),huge(巨大な),to thank you(あなたに感謝するために),