Old Story

2 Peach Boy Dialogue                             

Scene 1: a small house by a river in the mountains  ALTによるReading

Old Man
(OM): It’s a nice day. I’m going to the forest. I’ll cut wood.

Old Woman
(OW): Okay. I’m going to the river. I’ll wash clothes.

OM: Bye.

(at the river): Oh, I see a very big peach in the river. I’ll catch
           it. I’ll take it home. We’ll eat it together.

(at home): I’m back. I am very tired and hungry.

OW: Look! I found this in the river.

OM: Wow! It’s a big peach. It looks good. Let’s cut it.

OW: Yes, I’ll use this knife.

Peach Boy
(PB): Stop! Stop!

OW: Oh! It’s a baby boy.

OM: He’s very cute. Let’s call him “Peach Boy”.

OW: Yes, let’s.

OM and OW: Hello, Peach Boy!

PB: I’m Peach Boy!

Action: Peach Boy eats some rice and fish and wins the sumo contests.

Scene 2: the same house, a few years later      ALTによるReading

PB: Grandma! Grandpa! I am a big, strong boy now. I want to go to
   Demon Island. I want to fight the demons there. Please make
   me some kibidango.

OM and OW: No! No! Don’t go! There are many demons, and they
        are very strong. The demons will win the fight.

PB: Don’t worry. I am a very strong boy. I can beat the demons.

OM and OW: Okay. Be careful, and beat the demons! (They give
         Peach Boy some kibidango.) Here you are. Goodbye!

PB: Goodbye!

Scene 3: on the road to Demon Island

Dog: Peach Boy! Peach Boy! Where are you going?

PB: I’m going to Demon Island. I’ll fight the demons.

Dog: I want to go with you. Please give me a kibidango.

PB: Here you are.

Dog: Thank you.

Pheasant: Peach Boy! Peach Boy! Where are you going?

PB: I’m going to Demon Island. I’ll fight the demons.

Pheasant: I want to go with you. Please give me a kibidango.

PB: Here you are.

Pheasant: Thank you.

Monkey: Peach Boy! Peach Boy! Where are you going?

PB: I’m going to Demon Island. I’ll fight the demons.

Monkey: I want to go with you. Please give me a kibidango.

PB: Here you are.

Monkey: Thank you.

Scene 4: Demon Island, in front of the demons’ castle

Demon 1: Hey! Who are you?

PB: I am Peach Boy. I am the strongest boy in Japan. We are here
   to fight you.

Demon 2: You can’t beat us. There are many demons here. There
       are only four of you.

They fight.

Demon Leader: You are too strong, Peach Boy. We give up. Please
          don’t kill us. We’ll never do bad things again.

PB: Okay. But give back our treasure.

Demon Leader: Here you are.

PB: My friends, let’s go home.
   Don’t do bad things again!

Peach Boy and his friends take the treasure and leave Demon Island.

Scene 5: Peach Boy’s house

PB: Grandma! Grandpa! I’m home! I beat the demons. I have the

OM and OW: Oh! You are back! We are so happy!

PB: These are my friends. They helped me so much.

OM and OW: Thank you very much. You must be hungry.
         Let’s have some kibidango.

PB and friends: Hooray!

Scene 1 clothes(衣服),take it home(それを家に持っていく),found<find(見つける),
      cute(かわいい),Yes, let’s.(ええ、そうしましょう。)

Scene 2 same(同じ),a few years later(数年後),demon(鬼),beat(打ち負かす),
      be careful(気を付けて)

Scene 3 pheasant(キジ)
Scene 4 in front of 〜 (〜の前で),castle(城),
      There are only four of you.(おまえたちはたった4人しかいない。)
      too strong(強すぎる,あまりにも強い),give back(返す),treasure(宝物),
      do bad things(悪いことをする),leave(去る,出発する)

Scene 5 must be hungry(お腹が減っているに違いない),hooray(やったー)