Classroom English
for Elementary and Junior High School

   ★ ALTによるReading: Opening & 1-10 ★

I.  Commands (指示、命令)

Opening: Let’s begin. / Let’s start. / Let’s begin the/today’s lesson.


1.  Stand up.  (立ちなさい。)

2.  Sit down.  (すわりなさい。)

3.  Be quiet, please. / Stop talking. (静かにしてください。/話すのをやめなさい。)

4.  Listen to me / Mr. / Ms. / the CD.  (私の話/〜先生の話/CDを聞きなさい。)

5.  Raise your hand.  (手をあげなさい。)

6.  Make a line.  (列を作りなさい。)

7.  Make a circle.  (円を作りなさい。)

8.  Make a group of 4/6/8 .  (4人/6人/8人グループを作りなさい。)

9.  Make a pair. / Make pairs.  (ペアを作りなさい。)

10.  Come here (,please).  (ここへ来なさい。)

    ★ ALTによるReading 11-20 ★

11.  Repeat after me/Mr./ Ms./the CD.


12.  Look at the (black) board / this picture.  (黒板/この絵を見なさい。)

13.    Close/Open your eyes.  (目を開け/閉じなさい。)

14.    Clap your hands.  (手をたたきなさい。)

15.    In Japanese, (please).  (日本語でお願いします。)

16.    Pass your paper(s) to the front.  (紙を前の方へ手渡しなさい。)

17.    Take notes.   (メモをとりなさい。)

18.    Write these sentences in your notebook.    (これらの文をノートに書きなさい。)

19.    Hand in your paper(s) from the back.  (後ろから紙を提出しなさい。)

20.    Collect the papers from the back.  (後ろから紙を集めなさい。)

★ ALTによるReading 21-30 ★

21.    Open your textbook(s)/notebook(s)/ workbook(s) to page.


22.    Close your book(s)/ notebook(s)/ workbook(s).


23.    Clear your desk(s).  (机の上を片付けなさい。)

24.    Put everything in your desk(s).  (すべての物を机の中に入れなさい。)

25.    Put your pencil(s) down.  (鉛筆を下に置きなさい。)

26.    Move your desk(s) to the back/to the side of the room/to the front.


27.    Put your desk(s) against the wall.  (机を壁につけなさい。)

28.    Move your desks back (into place).   (机をもとに戻しなさい。)

29.    Choose (Decide on) an order of play. (Do janken to decide the order of play.) 


30.    Put your paper(s) face down /on your desk(s).


★ ALTによるReading 31-40 ★

31.    Take out your pen(s)/pencil(s), etc.  (ペン/鉛筆等を取り出しなさい。)

32.    Turn your paper(s) over.  (紙をひっくり返しなさい。)

33.    To Student/Group A:  Please take/*read/play Emi’s part/ *lines.


34.    To Student/Group B:  Please take/*read/play Mark’s part/*lines.


35.    Read the passage/paragraph sentence by sentence/phrase by phrase.


36.    Read the sentences/passage/paragraph silently. Look up when you have finished.


37.    When I give you the cue/say “start”, read the sentences/passage/paragraph/

from memory / without looking at your book(s).


38.    Let’s give a big hand to the winners/everyone. You (all) did a fine/good/wonderful

  job. (勝利者/みんなに大きな拍手をしましょう。あなたたちは(みんな)よくやりました。)

39.    The teacher: “Please take/carry this (the CD player, etc.) to the classroom for me.”  


40.    The teacher’s helper: “May/Can I take/carry anything to the classroom for you?”


Closing A:  That’s all for today./Let’s end (close) today’s lesson./

Today’s lesson is over.


Closing B:  What did you learn today?


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